# 2008/02/17 Recipe 10,000 Mai Tai Orignal # Ver. 5.2 2008/05/06 # 05201 cdb_form "MARTINI" Synonm name bug(null mutching) # 05202 cdb_update diff. table view # Ver. 5.1 2008/02/11 # 05101 Top level stuff [up] command # 05102 Unit conversion that cooperated on units.key table('HON') # 05103 ploof bug. # 05104 cdb_summ.cgi re-new # 05105 hello() cdb_hello.txt # 05106 site diff tips (summary) # 05107 export/import tar # 2007/07/29 Recipe 9,000 Annas Tropical Gateway # 2007/07/22 Recipe 8,900 After Five # Ver. 5.0 2007/07/13 # 05001 MD5 Search result cache(Full Cache) # 05002 cocktail name + stuff intersection bug fix # 05003 log print URI_UNEscape # 05004 short name, fname, normalization # 05005 What's new entries (relation for WNMAX) # 2007/06/08 Recipe 8,555, Nicholas # 2007/05/14 Recipe 8,500+, Southern Suicide 8,500 # 2007/03/26 Recipe 8,000+ # 2007/03/06 SlipperySuprise 7,777 # 2007/03/04 Recipe 7,700+ # Ver. 4.A 2007/04/12-05/04 # 04A01 New shortname(english normalization) # 04A02 index nail "others" colspan = 2 # 04A03 multi view associated deivce type # 04A04 NOT stuff, synonym # Ver. 4.9 2007/02/26 # 04901 cdb_decode.cgi, space between words # 04902 skip local host/NAH hosts log entry # 04903 Stuff synonym search # 04904 joker English name, space -> and # 04905 user choosen multi view # Ver. 4.8 2007/01/09 # 04801 computeRecipe(cnvML), long cocktail mod. (for n/m style) # move from cdb_common.pl to cdb_form.cgi # 04802 Summary mod. log file size # 04803 New tool cdb_btcsrch.pl (batch cocktail serch) # 04804 synonm link mod. (A.., The..) # 04805 Stf grade extantion and perforamnce # Ver. 4.7 2006/12/31 # 04701 Fuzzy search stuff name enhance # 04702 showlog Programs report/ CGI name --> basename # 04703 synonm link mod. (.. Martini) # Ver. 4.6 2006/08/28 # 04601 Fuzzy search (English/Japanese wsearch) # 04602 Welcome message change # 04603 Simple Zero tracelist # 04604 checkNAH() optimaize # 04605 jcode free # 04606 htmlDie(), Error handling # Ver. 4.5 2006/05/03 # 04501 Trace log change(separate ZERO/TRACE, Zero type add) # 04502 ZERO found FAQ # Ver. 4.4 2005/09/05 # 04401 consolidated template function # 04402 Loggin functin (trace and access) consolidation and updated # 04403 Trailer # Ver. 4.3 2005/08/29 # 04301 tree # 04302 maint # Ver. 4.2 2005/08/27 # 04201 trace function # 04202 multiview tuning # 04203 multiview tuning, match rule add "xxxnie = xxxny" # 04204 long Japnese name space between words option # Ver. 4.1 2005/07/19 synonm link key miss match(key lost at stuff search) # 04101 see above # Ver. 4.0 2003/05/18 compute strength and volumes # 04001 recipe compute function # 04002 help message update # Ver. 3.1 2003/01/01 Synonym link function # 03101 # Ver. 3.0 2002/12/31 Stuff link functions # Ver. 2.2 2002/11/24 txt/img file name convert err(.key$) # Ver. 2.1 2002/11/16 auto image link # Ver. 2.0 2002/03/03 J-Sky support # Ver. 1.0 2000/05/01 full perl version / PwC # Ver. 0.x 1998/09/01 perl version / DTC # Ver. 0.0 1994/11/01 1st publishing / DEC West