$ pr -f /etc/motd 04月25日 11:19 1998 /etc/motd ページ 1 Digital UNIX V4.0B (Rev. 564); Wed Nov 12 11:44:37 JST 1997 Digital UNIX Japanese Support V4.0A (rev. 3.1) ^L
$ pr -f -o 8 -h "pr(1) sample" /etc/motd 04月25日 11:19 1998 pr(1) sample ページ 1 Digital UNIX V4.0B (Rev. 564); Wed Nov 12 11:44:37 JST 1997 Digital UNIX Japanese Support V4.0A (rev. 3.1)
$ cat uid.txt murakami 4075 kawahara 4095 g12_siom 4031 kumagai 4073 : $ pr -3 -t f uid.txt murakami 4075 fukuhara 4086 yamamoto 4049 kawahara 4095 fukuda_s 4072 lmxadmin 200 g12_siom 4031 shimizu 4074 yoshida 4066 kumagai 4073 ikawa 4030 yoneday 4101 tanaka 4079 honma 4087 hayashi 4041 sawada 4093 araki 525 eguchia 4094 qman 4062 kume 4078 yamazu 518 yamada 502 t_yamagu 514 ftp 4998 sasaki 508 nishikaw 523 yositake 4026 okitsu 4057 hasegawa 519 watanabe 4088 :
$ head find.txt DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the GNU version of find. find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence (see section OPERATORS), until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for and operations, true for or), at which point find moves on to the next file name. $ fold -w60 find.txt | head -7 DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the GNU version of find. find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by eval uating the given expression from left to right, according to the ru les of precedence $ fold -s -w60 find.txt | head -7 DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the GNU version of find. find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence
# タブで区切ったa,b,c,dを用意 $ cat a.txt a b c d $ cat -t a.txt a^Ib^Ic^Id # タブを空白に変換し、幅を4とする $ expand -t4 a.txt a b c d $ expand -t4 a.txt | cat -t a b c d # タブ位置を2,8,16とする $ expand -t2,8,16 a.txt a b c d
$ cat -t b.txt a b c d # 連続した空白をタブで置き換え(タブ間隔は8) $ unexpand -t8 b.txt | cat -t a^Ib^Ic^Id $ unexpand -t4 b.txt | cat -t a^I^Ib^I^Ic^I^Id